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Benefits Include


  • Access to Doula Member Directory
  •  Advocacy & collaboration through ODA Committees
  • Community building within regions


  • Quarterly Newsletter
  • National, State, and Regional Updates
  • Traditional Health Worker related news and events

Continuing Education & Support

  • Discounts to future ODA-sponsored regional meetings, conferences, and educational events 
  • 1:1 Technical Assistance
  • THW Application & Medicaid Billing Support
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ODA members (of any level) are welcomed and encourage to participate in one, or any, of the standing committees.
Each committee has a Chair (also a Board Director) & Co-chair (ODA member) that will lead and facilitate meetings.

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Policy & Advocacy



2024 Conference

All Rights Reserved 2024

Oregon Doula Association is a non-profit 501 (c) 6 organization



Oregon Doula Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serve as a unifying, inclusive, statewide professional organization for all doulas. We provide support and resources for doulas. We publicly educate on and advocate for the benefits of doula care. We do not function as a certifying body, nor do we oversee or regulate the actions, behaviors, or activities of individual members of our organization. 

If you have specific concerns or inquiries about the certification or oversight of a particular individual or member, we recommend reaching out to the appropriate training/certifying body, or regulatory authority.

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