Oregon Doula Competency Test |
The Oregon Health Authority requires Traditional Health Workers to reapply every three years for recertification. If your recertification has lapsed for six, or more, months and you need to renew your THW designation, you will either need to retake a foundational OHA-approved training or pass the OHA-Approved, and commissioned, Competency Test that was developed by doulas and doula educators in the Oregon. |
Competency Test Process:
This is a two-part exam. The written knowledge test covers the core curricula competency topics listed in OAR 950-060-0150. This is a closed book test and no reference materials or internet searches are allowed while testing.
A doula will need to pass with an 80% score, and may try up to three times to pass the written portion of the competency test. If the doula cannot pass within three attempts, the doula should retake a doula training through an OHA-approved doula training program in order to reapply to the THW Registry. For doulas who need to test verbally, instead of in written format, they can indicate this in the Informed-choice needs assessment to request a one-on-one test proctor for verbal testing.
Upon passing the written or verbal portion of the competency test, the doula will also need to set up a time for in-person skills testing, through approved doula proctors or online if an approved doula proctored is not available within a reasonable timeframe.
Please note that this is a multi-step process that may take several weeks to complete. If you are urgently needing your THW recertification, then you may consider taking the soonest THW Doula training available instead.
Cost per exam: $75.00 (After completing written and skills testing, | For expedited results: $250.00 (After completing written and skills testing, results will be reviewed and provided within 14 days) |
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Oregon Doula Association is a non-profit 501 (c) 6 organization